This is the vision that we have for our Temple and the Community as a whole... |
In the belief that the Quality of Life and our Vision is crucial to both our temporal and spiritual success in this incarnation, the people of the Temple of the Ancient Ones seek to create an environment and community which:
…by respecting the right of each to formulate their own belief system
and structure, free from imposed dogma or doctrine handed down from
…by empowering every individual member through the encouragement of
individual inquiry and investigation of matters of personal belief and
the reaffirmation of the validity of responsible individual choice; by
encouraging the development of each individual according to their
potential through religious study, training, mutual growth and respect; …by creating an environment where the quality of each individual’s relationships with every other member are open and accepting of each other as we are now; …by nurturing and supporting a culture in which all can grow and mature in perfect love and perfect trust while learning to live in harmony with each other; …UNDERSTANDING THE ONLY LIMITS ARE THOSE WHICH ARE SELF-IMPOSED, …by encouraging those who choose not to be limited to reach out and grow; …by encouraging each and every member through active support, both within and without the Church, to take the initiative to improve the quality of their lives and their daily working relationships through active growth, in order to:
FOSTERS UNITY, TEAMWORK, AND TOLERANCE FOR OTHERS. . . …by recognizing that everyone, the exalted and the insignificant, has something for us to hear and comprehend; …by instilling and valuing the active listening and understanding of other points of view; …by recognizing that each member’s role in improving relationships within our families, our church, our jobs and our lives is truly important, in order that we may:
CREATE TRUE AND MEANINGFUL LIVES. . . …by filling our every minute with a sense of responsible joy, love, pleasure and humor, harming no one in the process; …by challenging each of us to reward ourselves in this life by being more through conscious effort; …by honoring the natural order of the universe and our Goddess and Gods through the regular acknowledgement and celebration of the solar, lunar and other cycles of our life,
THEREBY ENCOURAGING. . . …a faith in the ability to accept and solve one’s own problems on all levels, public and private; …a lifelong commitment to personal and universal growth and balance; …an understanding that human interdependence implies community cooperation, requiring us to practice every day what we preach. We must use our talents and skills to actively help each other as well as the community at large; …a concern with making one’s lifestyle consistent with one’s proclaimed beliefs. THIS, THEN, IS THE VISION WE ASK ALL MEMBERS OF THE TEMPLE OF THE ANCIENT ONES FAMILY TO SHARE WITH US AS WE JOURNEY THROUGH THIS LIFETIME TOGETHER. |
We recognize that the traditionally small circle or group structure is
not always appropriate or useful for all who wish to follow our
religion. We hold that the Inner Circle should be equated to a
seminary where clergy are trained to serve the larger community. There
are many Pagans who want to worship and celebrate the high holidays and
the lunar cycle together, yet do not desire to make the teaching and
practice of The Craft the central focus of their lives. They are the many
scattered believers who have suffered the lack of contact with others –
the neglected folk who will insure the future, the return of Paganism as
a major influence in Western religion. It is to these people that we of
the Temple of the Ancient Ones tradition dedicate and focus our
energies. There remain some who believe our path must remain dark and
secret, available only to “the chosen few,” and they are entitled to
their privacy. But history supports our belief that the ancients never
intended that anyone who honestly seeks after the knowledge and love of
the Goddess and the God should be deprived of it.
Pagans and Wiccans who participate generally in Temple of the Ancient
Ones open worship, gatherings and affairs fall into several categories:
Associate members, Supporting members, and Voting members (See the
Membership page for more information). In each of these categories, they
may be further divided into Clergy, Seekers and Students. This
constitutes the church body or congregations). Consideration for
membership in an Inner Circle must be requested, but is only gained
through invitation, and ministerial candidates most often come from
within the broader membership of the church.
Within the Inner Circle membership, which requires a formal dedication
and a substantial period of ministerial training, there are five levels
of recognition based on the individual accomplishments of the dedicant
in advancing their learning of The Craft, the administration of a public
church congregation, and the Temple of the Ancient Ones tradition of
service to the community. Training is conducted by those of Third Level
or above.
Although First and Second Levels are considered in training, they are
given expanded responsibilities and are allowed an increasing
participation in and control over, their learning process. Attainment of
Third Level requires a re-dedication to some aspect of ongoing community
service, a Great Work selected and proposed by the candidate and
reviewed and accepted by the teacher(s) and Council of Elders, and
actively pursued. (Failure to continue a Great Work returns the
candidate to Second Level.) Ours is an active tradition requiring an
ongoing commitment to service to retain Third Level clergy status. All
dedicants of Second Level or above are accredited clergy and may
minister to others within the guidelines of our tradition. On attaining
recognition as Third Level within the tradition, one becomes eligible to
be seated on the Council of Elders. Every practitioner of The Craft in Paganism is a contributor to religious tradition. Times change and the traditions must evolve and follow the changing needs and demands of our Gods and our people. Solitary need no longer mean “isolated or alone.” The followers of The Old Ways are everywhere, and we will be beside them, serving them and our Goddess and God. If you are interested in these same goals, if you have an interest in our work, let us hear from you. |